Set up:
Place a large cup in the center of the table
Fan the cards out all the way around the cup face down
Players take turns drawing cards going clockwise and follow the instructions of each card.
Ace: Waterfall, the player who pulls the ace begins to drink,
Two: You. you choose someone to drink
Three: Me. You drink
Four: floor. All players must reach down towards the floor with their hands. The last player to do this drinks
Five: Guys. All men drink
Six: Chicks. All women drink
Seven: Heaven. All players must reach up towards the sky. The player to do this drinks
Eight: Mate. you choose a mate. They must drink when you drink, until another 8 is pulled
Nine: Rhyme. You say a word and a word that rhymes with that word. The person to your left then says another word that rhymes. This continues until a word is repeated or a player cannot think of another word. This person drinks
Ten: Categories. You say a category and name something within that category. The person to your left then names another thing within that category. This continues until something is repeated or a player cannot think of anything. This player drinks.
Jack: New Rule. You create a new rule for the rest of the game. Anyone who breaks this rule must drink
Queen: Questions. Hold onto this Queen card until another queen is drawn then discard it. While possessing the queen if you ask someone a question and they respond they must drink.
King: King’s Cup. You add some of your drink to the center cup. Once the 4th and final King is drawn that player must also drink the entire kings cup.
The Game ends when the final King is drawn.