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Set up:

Shuffle the cards and deal out a pyramid of cards face down. A row of 5 then 4 then 3 then 2 and then 1 at the top.

Deal all players the same amount of cards, 4-6 is recommended. the more cards dealt the more drinking.

Flip over the face down cards one at a time starting at the bottom corner of the pyramid and flipping each row over before moving up

Each time a card is flipped give the players a chance to match their cards against the pyramid and place them down on top. After matching a card they follow the instructions based on the card for below.

Times the number of drinks by the row. Row 1 being the base of the pyramid and row 5 being the peak

2-10: Choose a player to Drink 1

Jack: The player must Drink 1

Queen: Choose a player to drink 2

King: Everyone Drinks 1

Ace: Wild for 2-10 Choose 1 player to drink. If played on Ace Choose a player to drink 2

Cards can only be placed down on the most recently flipped card.

The loser is whoever has the most cards. If multiple players have the same number of cards the player with the highest value card loses, if that is tied it goes to the next highest cards and if players have the same cards, it is the player who matched a card last that loses.