Race is a betting game in which you bet on a horse (suit) if you are a winner you can choose a player to drink and if you are a loser you must drink
Set up:
Set 6 cards face down in a straight line vertically, These are the track cards.
Place the 4 horses (Ace cards) Face up, below and in a horizontal line creating an L shape with the corner missing. This is the starting line
The remainder of the cards are held by one player who will deal the race.
Players bet on which horse they think will win by placing a marker on their horse. This can be a bottle cap or an item.
The dealer deals the cards off to the side of the track. The suit of the card turned progresses the horse of the same suit forward one space in line with the next track card.
Once all horses are off the start line flip the first track card. Track cards have the opposite effect. E.g. if it is a normal card move backwards one.
The dealer repeats this process of flipping cards and moving horses forward. Each track card is revealed once all horses are past or at that level.
Ace: Horse
2-10: Move forward one, if track card move backwards one
Jack: move backwards one, if a track card move forward one
King: Move forward 2 spaces, if a track card move backwards 2 spaces
Queen: move forward one space but that suit must drink, if a track card move backwards one and all other suits must drink.
*note horses cannot move back past the starting line.
The winning suit is the suit that makes it past the last track card. The losing suit is the last suit to make it past the last track card.
Winners can instruct other players to drink the amount they bet and losers must drink their bet.